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Community Topics:
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: All mounts to work as ground mounts
- MMO Champion: Blizzcon 2014, Setup of the Month, Dark Legacy Comics #431
- MMO Champion: Siege of Orgrimmar – Normal and Heroic Cross-Realm Raids Enabled
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: New female dwarf images added
- WoW Insider: Female Draenei model coming next week
- WoW Insider: No plans to make Motes or Spirits of Harmony account wide
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: Garrisons will not require gold
- MMO Champion: WoD Profession Catch Up, Battle.Net Chat Coming Soon, Blue Tweets, DLC #433
- WoW Insider: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls book and Blizzard’s Augmented Reality app
- WoW Insider: Is it time for a dungeon blacklist?
- WoW Insider: Breakfast Topic: Who will miss reforging?