Category Archives: Editorial

GQDN 5/31/2024

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GQDN 11/15/2023

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Frustration with UStream

To alleviate the frusturation some of our viewers of the live show are having, the decision has been made to hop out from UStream and jump into JustinTV/ Justin/Twitch allows us to save the recordings automatically and easily post them … Continue reading

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Those Who Don’t Play Well With Others

We have all run into them. Net Trolls are players who don’t play well with others. These are the players who randomly type something incendiary into chat that is completely out of context with the current conversation. They are the … Continue reading

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I’d Rather Roll a Male Pandaren

By Jen Thorpe Believe it or not, I do still play World of Warcraft. Diablo III may have captured a little piece of my soul, but, I’m not quite ready to give up on WoW yet. I still find it … Continue reading

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All Azeroth’s a Stage

Rzbg is a frequent guest on Group Quest, and the creator of many of the logos found on the Dawnforge list of shows, including the Dawnforge logo itself. A long time WoW player, Rzbg plays on the European realms. WoW … Continue reading

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It’s all in the name

Aaron Smith is a teacher from Maryland, and co host of the More Than Megapixels podcast with Dwight, owner of Dawnforge. Way back before I started playing World of Warcraft, I chose the name “theartguy” as my digital persona. I … Continue reading

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