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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about Constomer Support, Warlords news, Pre-expansion events and more.
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Community Topics:
- Battle.net: Announcing – Callback Support
- WoW Insider: New skins and hairstyles planned for Warlords character models
- WoWHead: Warlords of Draenor Initial Toybox Details
- BlizzPro: Free Realm Transfers Opening Next Week
- Watcher: Raid Audio
- BlizzPro: Warlords of Draenor Flex Modes May Increase Player Cap
- WoW Insider: Draenei and blood elf models now on list of planned updates
- Zuulzilla: Dear Warcraft Community
- Amateur Azerothian: Launching Warlords
- Alt:ernative chat: Learning to Fly
- The Big Bear Butt: Are you a “Try Hard”?
- Azerothian Life: Mog the World in 80 days!!
- Bubbles of Mischeif: Mog the World in 80 Days
[…] Speaking of podcasts, the mogging competition was mentioned on another podcast and linked back to the main page! It was a quick and to the point mention but had me blushing all the same! Thank you Group Quest! […]