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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about about patch 5.4.2, Spying, Connected realms, and more.
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Community Topics:
- WoW EU Forums: Warlords of Draenor & You: Info Corner
- WoW Insider: Patch 5.4.2 hits live realms this week
- BlizzPro: NSA is now spying on your World of Warcraft accounts too
- Warcraft Twitter: 100 dwarf paladins named Greychalk
- Penny Arcade: The Great Game
- WoWHead: Flex Mode Scaling Changes, Talk Azeroth Episode 20
- WoW Insider: World of Warcraft: Paragons release date announced
- WoW Insider: US Connected Realms schedule updated with 15 new connections
- WoWHead: Linear item squish will continue, right now though 85
- BlizzPro: Heroes of the Storm beta slated to start in the first half of 2014
- Vidisyms: 30 days of character development
- The Grumpy Elf: The Roles We Play