RSS Feed
Gulvan and Joe talk about todays events, Star Craft II’s surprise patch notes, Overwatch’s AMA, and some World of Warcraft news.
Daily Quests
Starcraft II 5.0 notes
World Quests
Diablo Immortal China Joy 2020
Scholomance Academy
Overwatch Looks Grim
What Table RPG Should Blizzard Make
Overwatch AMA
Main Questline
Gladiator Mounts in Shadowlands
Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Week of 7/28
One Day Ban for Advertising in LFG
US Realm Connections
EU Realm Connections
The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Has Begun!
Attend our live recordings most Saturdays at 4:30 PM Central Time Saturdays at https://discord.gg/C2AfSSc