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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about trademarks, cinematics, betas, and more.
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Community Topics:
- BlizzPro: A Sign of Things to Come? Battle.Net Desktop App Version 1.0 (Beta) Released
- Trademarks
- MMO Champion: Blizzard Trademarks “The Dark Below” – WoW or D3 Expansion?
- MMO Champion: Diablo 3’s next expansion is named “Reaper of Souls”?
- MMO Champion: Blizzard Trademarks “Corgis Unleashed” (Okay, not really)
- WoW Insider: What we know about Ozumat, the Fiend of the Dark Below
- WoW Insider: The Dark Below: Once bitten, twice shy
- Patch 5.4: The Siege of Ogrimmar Trailer
- MMO Champion: Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Unleashed
- Altoholic Anonymous: The One Sided Story
- Bits of Fluff: alliance and happy with the plot!
- Patch 5.4 news
- WoWHead: PvP Season 13 Ending Soon
- BlizzPro: WoW Patch 5.4 Confirmed for August 27? Not So Fast
- WoW Insider: Patch 5.4 hits the background downloader
- WoW Insider: Patch 5.4 will not reset valor points
- BlizzPro: Hearthstone Beta Incoming!