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Group Quest is back as the team sits down to talk about Beta Changes, an apology, how to get to the Dark Below, and more.
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Show Notes
- MMO Champion: Blasted Lands Quests and Orgrimmar Changes, Blue Posts, Connected Realms, Dark Below
- MMO Champion: Artcraft – Son of Exodar – Male Draenei Character Model, Heart of the Valorous Buff
- MMO Champion: Warlords of Draenor – Darker Nights, Gaze of the Black Prince Returns, Blue Tweets
- MMO Champion: Warlords of Draenor Beta – Build 18566
- WoW Insider: The Dark Below is real
- WoW Insider: Curse of Naxxramas release date announced
- WoWHead Draenei Hair Goes Pink, Shadowmoon NPC Blog, New Garrison Monuments, Database Updates
- MMO Champion: Raid Testing Schedule – July 21